How to Pick up Girls Eric Weber
Article by Elvis Preston King
Gentlemen, Thank God for this man. If it wasn't for this man waking up the world for the need for a reference manual for picking up and seducing girls. There would probably me more rape and murder of women than the police of the world could ever handle.I know I picked up my copy of "How to Pick up Girls" years ago. I am sorry to say that a jealous female destroyed my collection of how to pick up girls and how to seduce girls books.Do these books work? They certainly put you into the right frame of mind for picking up girls that's for sure! If my success is any indication you would have to say YES they work. I am the world's number 1 pick up artist on the planet. I pick up and seduce one to three new girls per day and I could pick up more but my physical condition won't allow me to have sex with more than three 18 year old playmates in one day. I am 55 years old! My name is Elvis Preston King. Google loves me so all you have to do is search Elvis Preston King at the Google search engine to see what the King is up to. Google is the finest search engine on the planet. Also Go Articles, IdeaMarketers, SimplySearch4it, Articles Factory, and Article City as well as Sexoteric have a fine collection of your author Elvis Preston King's work. Talking about Google. I searched up and down for Eric Weber but I can't find anything about where he is today and if he is still picking up girls. I read that "How to Pick Up Girls" is the original, authentic, world famous book that was turned into a smash-hit movie seen on by 25 million people on ABC television. The book has helped over 3,000,000 men do better in the romance department with girls. Eric, I sure would like a new free autographed copy! The book that started it all!!! Thanks Eric from the King, Elvis Preston King.Since Eric many new gurus of picking up girls have been created including your author. At present I have not written a book. I do offer personal pick up services for the individual man. Long term I am looking for one permanent buddy to pick up girls with until we drop dead.Some of the new gurus of picking up girls are: In order of preference as picked by Thundercat. Number 1 Style, Number 2 Swinggcat, number 3 Zan, number 4 Maddash, number 5 Craig, number 6 Mystery, number 7 Tyler Durden, number 8 Primoman, number 9 Sickboy, number 10 Harmless and of course Thundercat himself.Other gentlemen pick up artist whom I am aware are: Svidlar, Desperado, Money_Matteo, Waco M, Mine 99, Mimicker, Seth Parker, Topp Gunn, David Shade, Bad Boy, Toecutter, MTLPUA, David X, Chet, Adam, Masterclass, Rich H, Ross Jeffries, Papa, Alphamale, John Alanis, David DeAngelo and last but not least Elvis Preston King.I would be delighted to meet any one of them for a chat over a beer.So who is the best pick up artist on the planet. Well let's put it to you this way. Mirror mirror on the wall. I have posted a challenge on the internet called "The World's Top Playboy Playoff Challenge." I have only got lip service by one man named Mystery as to why he can beat me. But he refuses to meet me for the challenge. He wants to meet me on his terms. The thing is if he is as good as he says he is he should meet the old king on any playing field that I name with independent judges of course. The truth is he just can't win and I don't blame him for the excuses.If you can't afford the best as your permanent side-kick I suggest you go to the Seduction and try to come up with a second best. There has to be the number 2 pick up artist some where out there in this big world. But if you can afford THE BEST email The King at loverboybachelor@yahoo.comAbout the Author
Elvis Preston King is the world's most renowned and respected playboy. His job is picking up and seducing classy young women globally for the gentleman conoseiur who realizes that there is more to life than just accumulating money and the same old same old boring wife. You can email him at or visit
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