Some cool hot youtube girls images:
thespian chorus girl — barefoot maenad with thyrsus, leopard, snake — spinning anti-clockwise around her orchestra — white-ground kylix pottered by Brygos ca. 500 BC
Maenadic head of strawberry blonde curls, coryphée Medusa, dances barefoot inside her orchestra of a white-ground kylix pottered by Brygos ca. 500 BC.
► Montage of this Virtual Image ◄
Photoshop-Montage of the Tondo photographed by Bibi Saint-Pol in the Munich museum inlayed with a facsimile scanned @ 300 dpi (DGS, p131) by oedipusphinx.
DGS: p131 oben: Mänade mit Schlangen im Haar, Thyrsosstab und Leopard in den Händen. Innenbild einer Schale. Auf der Außenseite Dionysos und Gefolge (θίασος). Attisch-weißgründig; um 490 v.Chr. Werk des Brygos-Malers.
Ton. H. 14,4 cm; Dm 28,5 cm. München Antikensammlung. Inv. 2645.
Lit. Arias/Hirmer P.E, M, A History of Greek Vase Painting, publisher: Thames & Hudson, publication date: 1962. ISBN B0007G5FO8. Bookseller Inventory # PJH27569. Price: £ 100.00 {_Wolfgang Oberleitner: Kunsthistorische Beschreibung des Bildes von Seite 281 (Tafel XXXIV) auf Seite 337 f in: Die griechischen Sagen . In Bildern erzählt von Erich Lessing © 1985 C. Bertelsmann, München 1982._}
► geometrical elements ◄
diluted color at face and torso
horizontal parallel (thyrsos // left arm) & vertical parallel (hem of leopard-coat // right arm) make up a parallelogram.
outdated description adheres at the display case of the Munich Museum at the Königsplatz. Look at Marcus Cyron's image taken on 18th Sept 2008: Mänade mit Schlange und Thyrsosstab Ihr eiliger Lauf verweist auf den dionysischen Taumel, in dem sich die Trabantin des Weingottes befindet. Trinkschale, spätes 6. Jh. v. Chr. (Kat. 90)
► consideration concerning analogous genetics ◄
strawberry blonde women have mostly eyes with a green iris, are shyer and smaller built than their blonde sisters just like the melanistic variants of the species leopard, the black panthers, have mostly green eyes, are shyer and smaller built than spotted leopards.
► words relevant for the description of the icon ◄
chorus, theology, prehellenistic
► Der Chor in den Tragödien des Aischylos : Affekt und Reaktion / Markus A. Gruber, Verfasser: Gruber, Markus A.
Erschienen: Tübingen : Narr, 2009, Umfang: XIII, 570 S.
Schriftenreihe: Drama ; N.S., 7, Hochschulschrift: Zugl.: Regensburg, Univ., Diss., 2008. ISBN: 978-3-8233-6484-9*PB. : ca. EUR 78.00 .
Stabi-Signatur: 1A722769.2009
► Aischylos : Interpretationen zum Verständnis seiner Theologie / Verfasser: Bees, Robert *1992-*
Erschienen: München : Beck, 2009. Umfang: 320 S.
Schriftenreihe: Zetemata ; 133 ISBN: 978-3-406-58804-4*Pb.
Signatur: 1A724764.2009Bestellnummer: 29165587, 1A724764.2009
► Volk und Verfassung im vorhellenistischen Griechenland : Beiträge auf dem Symposium zu Ehren von Karl-Wilhelm Welwei in Bochum, 1. - 2. März 1996 / hrsg. von Walter Eder ... Sonst. Personen: Eder, Walter. Körperschaft: Symposium zu Ehren von Karl-Wilhelm Welwei 1996, Bochum. Gefeiert: Welwei, Karl-Wilhelm. Erschienen: Stuttgart : Steiner, 1997, Umfang: XX, 245 S. : Ill. Anmerkung: Literaturangaben, ISBN: 3-515-07088-5.
Signatur: 1A321530.1996
Irre- bzw. doch letztendlich vllt. doch zielführende Fehlermeldungen vom 11.Mai 2010 ~ 13-14h:
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11.05.2010 13:29: MESSAGE: Unter den Linden, Musik-Lesesaal Bestellung eingetragen Bereitstellung i.d.R. ab 17 Uhr
ANTIMESSAGE: Musikabteilung mit Mendelssohn-Archiv Der Musiklesesaal befindet sich im Haus Unter den Linden 8 im 2. Obergeschoss rechts, Aufgang G. bitte beachten Sie, dass aufgrund eines Personalengpasses der Musiklesesaal im Mai 2010 nur von 9 – 17 Uhr von montags bis freitags geöffnet ist.
maenad: a female follower of Bacchus, traditionally associated with divine possession and frenzied rites
coryphée a leading dancer in corps de ballet, from koryphê 'head'. ORIGIN: French via Latin from Greek koryphaios 'leader of a chorus'
thespian formal or humorous adjective: of or relating to drama and the theatre. noun: an actor or actress.(--> thespiannet)
Thespis of Icaria was a singer of dithyrambs (songs about stories from mythology with choric refrains). .. Eventually, on November 23, 534 BC, competitions to find the best tragedy were instituted at the City Dionysia in Athens, and Thespis won the first documented competition. - Ο Θέσπις παρουσίασε για πρώτη φορά τραγωδία στα Μεγάλα Διονύσια κατά την 61η Ολυμπιάδα (μεταξύ 536-532 π.Χ.).
Μεγάλα Διονύσια Τα Μεγάλα ή εν άστει Διονύσια ήταν αθηναϊκή γιορτή προς τιμήν του Διονύσου του Ελευθερέα. Θεσμοθετήθηκαν από τον Πεισίστρατο. Οι τραγωδίες παρασταίνονταν από την 11η μέχρι και τη 13η ημέρα του Ελαφηβολιώνα (Μάρτιος/Απρίλιος).
tondo: a Renaissance term for a circular work of art, either a painting or a sculpture. Artists have created tondi since Greek antiquity. The circular paintings in the centre of painted vases of that period are known as tondi, and the inside of the broad low winecup called a kylix also lent itself to circular enframed compositions. The style was revived in in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, particularly in Italy.
pailette a piece of glittering material used to ornament clothing; a spangle. ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from French, diminutive of paille, from Latin 'straw, chaff'.
kylix an ancient greek wine-cup with a shallow bowl and a tall stem
Un bijou est un élément de parure corporelle qui peut être porté sur le vêtement, sur le corps ou même dans le corps. Outre ses fonctions décoratives, le bijou est au service de multiples autres fonctions: sociale, magico-religieuse, utilitaire, sentimentale, érotique ...
---> Kleinod
thyrsus a staff of giant fennel topped with a pine cone, carried by Bacchus and his followers.
leopard a large solitary cat that has fawn or brown coat with black spots and usually hunts at night, was once widespread in the forests of Africa and southern Asia. Also called panther. species: panthera pardus (with 9 subspecies and some variants), family felidae. Heraldry: the spotted leopard as a heraldic device; also a lion passant guardant as in the arms of England
subspecies Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis), also known as the Manchurian leopard, is a wild feline predator native to Korea, Northeast China and the Russian Far East. This leopard subspecies is home to the mountainous areas of the taiga as well as other temperate forests. It is one of the rarest felids in the world with an estimated 30 to 45 individuals remaining in the wild. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature has deemed the Amur leopard critically endangered, meaning that it is considered to be facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. appearanceOf the nine subspecies of leopards, the Amur leopard shows the strongest divergence in coat pattern. The coat is of a pale, cream color (especially in winter) and has widely spaced rosettes with thick, black rings and darkened centers. The length of the coat varies between 2.5 cm (1 in) in summer and 7.5 cm (3 in) in winter. The paler coat and longer fur of the Amur leopard make it distinct from other subspecies. They are also known to have light, blue-green eyes.
Leopard in freier Wildbahn In Malaysia ist erstmals ein Leopard in freier Wildbahn fotografiert worden. Das beweist, dass es den Leoparden auch in Malaysia gibt", sagte der Leiter der Gesellschaft zur Bewahrung der Wildtiere, Melvin Gumal, der Nachrichtenagentur AFP. Auf den 11.500 Fotos, die Kameras im Endau-Rompin-Nationalpark machten, war das vom Aussterben bedrohte Tier allerdings nur dreimal zu sehen. Insgesamt hatten 70 Kameras zehn Jahre lang das Tierleben in dem Park aufgezeichnet. Das südostasiatische Malaysia ist vor allem für seine schwarzen Panther bekannt. (AFP, 19th April 2010)
variant black panther The name "panther" is often limited to the black variants of the species, but is also used to refer to those which are normally-colored for the species (tawny or spotted), ... Black leopards are smaller and more lightly built than normally-pigmented individuals.
panther In antiquity, panthers are typical Dionysian steeds, e.g., the Greek mosaic at Pella with Dionysus on the panther, the Hellenistic House of the Muses mosaic from Delos and the British Museum Roman Dionysus mosaic and Dionysus wall-painting fragment. Although the word "leopard" does not appear anywhere in Ovid, Panofsky has imported a Greek quotation of Philostratus under the mention of panther, where "panther" occurs only once in Ovid: pictarumque iacent fera corpora pantherarum in conjunction with Bacchus. As mentioned, the panther is a perfect animal for Dionysus because its name in Greek means ”all wild” pan + thera. Elsewhere in Ovid, lynxes are identified with the god in two other passages where the chariot of Bacchus is drawn by lynxes: colla lyncum , and lynxes were given by conquered India to the god: victa racemifero lyncas dedit India Baccho . As Panofsky and others noted previously, tigers also draw the god's chariot: tigribus adiunctis aurea lora dabat in Ars Amatoria I. 550. Confirming Ovidian use of tigers, or better, perhaps even deriving from the Ars Amatoria passage here in a literary borrowing from Ovid, it is specifically tigers in a Triumph of Dionysus mosaic at Sousse, Tunisia , who are shown drawing the chariot of Dionysus, where a panther is drinking from a crater and a lion carries a baby satyr.
Brygos Painter The Brygos Painter was an ancient Greek Attic red-figure vase painter of the Late Archaic period. Together with Onesimos (vase painter), Douris and Makron, he is among the most important bowl painters of his time. He was active in the first third of the fifth century BCE, especially in the 480s and 470s. ... The Brygos Painter's conventional name is derived from the potter Brygos who is known from signatures. The Brygos Painter appears to have painted the majority of bowls produced by Brygos. The name Brygos appears on several vases and cups of the late 6th century BCE and early 5th century BCE. It is not known whether the signature refers to the potter or painter or indeed whether the two roles were separate, by convention they are referred to as two distinct individuals.
He was one of the most productive painters of his generation; more than 200 vases have been attributed to him. Apart from bowls, he also paonted other vase shapes, such as skyphoi, kantharoi, rhyta, a kalathos-like vessel with a pouring spout and a number of lekythoi. By far the majority of his works were bowls of the types B and C. The latter were often executed without maeander base lines, the former frequently stood on conical bases. The maeanders around his tondo paintings are rarely continuous, most are interrupted by sets or rows of crosses. Apart from his red-figure work, the Brygos Painter is known to have produced some white-ground vases.
image-description: A snake is winding through the diadem in her hair.
The Brygos Painter @ artcyclopedia
29 Vases whose Painter is Brygos Painter @perseus.tufts
► White ground technique ◄
The White Ground Technique of vase painting flourished between the late 6th century BCE until the end of the fifth century in Athens and Etruria. The earliest surviving example of the technique is a fragmentary kantharos of ca. 570 BC signed by the potter-painter Nearchos, and found on the Athenian Acropolis. The method consists of a white slip of the local calcareous clay applied to a terracota vase and then painted. In the later development of the technique, a coloured wash was often applied to the clothing or flesh of the figures depicted.
The earliest incidence of the technique was used to create strobing bands of colour that emphasize the shape of the vase (as on Nearchos, NY Met 1926,26.49), the use of a white ground in conjunction with outline painting did not develop until ca. 520 and is associated with the workshops of Andokides, Nikosthenes and Psiax. By the Classical period white ground can be identified most closely with three principle shapes: lekythoi, cups and kraters.
Pottery of ancient Greece
The White-ground Technique was developed at the end of the sixth century BC. Unlike the better-known black-figure and red-figure techniques, its coloration was not achieved through the application and firing of slips but through the use of paints and gilding on a surface of white clay. It allowed for a higher level of polychromy than the other techniques, although the vases end up less visually striking. The technique gained great importance during the fifth and fourth centuries, especially in the form of small lekythoi that became typical grave offerings. Important representatives include its inventor, the Achilles Painter, as well as Psiax, the Thanatos Painter and the Pistoxenos Painter which was active in Athens between circa 480 and 460 BC. ... probably started his apprenticeship with the Antiphon Painter in the workshop of Euphronios. He specialized in kylikes, which he painted in the red-figure style. Some of his best pieces, however, were produced in the White Ground Technique. The most important motifs of his paintings are horses, warriors and thiasos imagery. He was one of the first painters to employ four-colour polychromy, using slip, paints and gilding.
► examples of white-ground kylikes ◄
♥ Apollo in Delphi Tondo of an Attic white-ground kylix attributed to the Pistoxenos Painter (or the Berlin Painter, or Onesimos). Diam. 18 cm (7 in.). From a tomb (probably that of a priest) in Delphi. Archaeological Museum of Delphi, Inv. 8140, room XII.
♥ Maenads ©2009 Jordan Kevrekidis
♥ Antikensammlungen J332 © Antikensammlungen, Munich Licence Plate 11 UK 1007 166 (search result for 'maenad' in Classical Art Research Center - Beazley Archive)
♥ Solarized Maenad @ tumblr (1540 x 1539 pixels)
♥ Solarized Maenad @ Temple of Iakkchos (720 x 720 pixels)
♥ Lekythos (oil flask) with a maenad (ca. 460 BC)
♥ Marble relief of a dancing maenad Roman Augustan Period 27 BCE-14 BCE copy of Greek relief attributed to Kallimachos 425-400 BCE (1)
► photocredits: ◄ search results: 19/04/10:::18; 21/04/10:::56; 12/04/2010:::126; 21/05/2010:::4.800; 27/08/2010:::28.200;
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►► Red Strawberry Tongue. @ answerbag - 16/04/2010
►► peep show (uk) @ answerbag - 19/04/2010
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►► history of ballet @ answerbag - May 2010
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►► Onésimo @ notasdefutbol - 21/04/2010
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►► World's Best Photos of maenad @ Hive Mind
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►► posted on August 2, 2010 by Dhillon
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