
Cool Japanese Girl Picture images

Check out these japanese girl picture images:
sweat the technique

japanese girls taking pictures for a men's fashion magazine.
THE FLOOD -- Art and Nature Merge in Old Japan (1 of 2)

Time to take a break from looking at pictures of pretty Japanese girls.

How about the destructive wrath of Mother Nature as she pays a visit to Japan sometime in the late Meiji era? Here we see the incredible roiling, boiling waters of a mad torrent of water flooding the Main Street of a rural town. The shop folk are standing high on the side -- some perched on boxes -- as the rising waters lap at their toes. Have you ever seen such beautiful standing waves? Such vivid turbulence?

As the waters reach the bottom of the photograph, they suddenly seem to change into the swirling bands of clouds seen on the planet Jupiter. The water seems like a work of art. And......it is a work of Art --- literally !


The photographer made the print as you see it, but apparently was not satisfied with the "level of activity" therein. He (or an artist friend) painted in the embellished drama right on top of the real water --- water that a slow shutter speed had probably smoothed out to an unacceptable level of photographic boredom.

The doctored print was re-shot, and printed as you see it here. Actually, it's a pretty good piece of work --- effective and believable enough to give you a feel of what it must have felt like to be there. And who knows, perhaps the retouched, embellished water is a more accurate picture than that taken by the camera with a shutter speed that might have blurred it all out --- well, except for the clouds of Jupiter in the foreground.

In 1908, Tokyo was hit with a huge flood that put many parts of the town knee-deep in water. There are lots of postcards and stereoviews commemorating that. As for this one, I have know idea where it is. It is simply a great shot showing what could be done with a photograph long before computers, PhotoShop, and CGI came along.

The shot below this in my photostream is the real deal....only after the above waters had subsided. www.flickr.com/photos/24443965@N08/2353685864/in/photostr...
japanese girls

Japanese girls !
The girl who took the picture said i was 'good looking'

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