
How to Kiss a Girl  

How to Kiss a Girl
Article by Alex Coulson

Knowing how to kiss a girl can take a little practice. I'm not talking about a peck on the cheek or 'friendly kiss'. I'm talking about the long and slow, wet and sexy kiss. Knowing exactly when and where to kiss a girl has baffled most men at one time or another. The problem is that when that you fail to kiss a girl, she generally won't go out with you again. Girls absolutely hate it when you don't kiss them. It tells them that you don't have the confidence that you need to make the necessary move's. They see the first kiss as the man's responsibility. They would sooner just leave then have to take on the role of the alpha male. Knowing how to kiss a girl is more about your own confidence than it is about timing or place.Of course, you need to know that she's interested in you. Watch for discrete changes in her body language and behavior. Is she having more eye contact with you? Is she moving closer to your side? Is she laughing at your jokes? Has she tipped her head slightly down and then look up at you shyly? Knowing how to read these signs is crucial when learning when and how to kiss a girl.Next, you need to build sexual tension between you and the girl. This is where you step things up from being friendly socializing to palpable desire. In learning how to kiss a girl, this step is just as important as knowing if she's interested in you. Make sure you flirt - a lot. Move in close to her body. Touch her elbow, her shoulder, her hair, and then her face. Try whispering in her ear, then gently kissing it after the whisper. These techniques of flirting will push her sexual arousal right up the scale.Lastly, make sure you're in a place that's private. Most girls value their privacy, especially where intimacy is concerned. It can be anywhere your away from other people. An empty corridor or a lounge works well if you're out clubbing. A car, a quiet street, or slightly away from the door at the end of the date are all good places for a deep and satisfying kiss.Knowing how to kiss a girl isn't difficult. And it's quite fun to practice. Frequently. The more, the better. If you would like to watch a FREE VIDEO of me approaching attractive women in the real world, starting interesting conversations, creating attraction and getting phone numbers and dates, then watch the free video here now: http://www.SucceedAtDating.com.

About the Author
Knowing how to kiss a girl can take a little practice. I'm not talking about a peck on the cheek or 'friendly kiss'. I'm talking about the long and slow, wet and sexy kiss. Knowing exactly when and where to kiss a girl has baffled most men at one time or another. The problem is that when that you fail to kiss a girl, she generally won't go out with you again.

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