
Effective Tips on How to Get a Girl to Like You  

Effective Tips on How to Get a Girl to Like You
Article by Joshua Gan

There is a girl you really like and you are wondering how to approach her and get her to like you. What should you do? There is no need to fear because there are actually different things that you can do to get a girl to like you. Read on and find helpful tips that may help you get the girl of your dreams.The first thing that you should remember is to be yourself. People hate pretentious and fake people, and you wouldn't want a girl to lose her trust in you if you do this. Integrity and honesty are important and it is a measure of your trustworthiness. Next is to immerse yourself when talking to her. The first few encounters are usually awkward and that's normal, but as time goes by, you will find yourself warming up and more comfortable. Be around girls and observe how they act, since it gives you an idea on how to deal with girls in general. Avoiding them would just worsen your nervousness around women.Remember to always be nice. Being nice is more than just being pleasant. Go on and help carry an old lady's grocery bags, be nice to animals, be a good role model to kids - these are simple and basic acts but it defines your character and those are easily noticed by girls. Don't do it just to impress her because girls can see through that. Make sure that you practice proper hygiene. It's basic, but there are some men who take this for granted. Even if you are a handsome Adonis, girls wouldn't like you if you are a slob or unclean.Last thing is be a good friend to her. Making friendship as your primary goal makes both of you comfortable and allows you to get to know each other more, without the pressure. If you want more tips on how to get a girl to like you, go to http://www.getgirlfriendsystem.com/

About the Author
Joshua Gan, author of this article is also interested on dating women and recommends you to please check out Get Girlfriend System if you liked reading this information.

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