
Learn How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You  

Learn How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You
Article by Steve Mitchell

Most guys are interested in the same two things - cars and how to make a girl fall in love with you. Most boys can not afford to buy cars and at the same time are convinced that they are the key to their second interest, the girls. But believe it or not most girls are not attracted by the material things.They may catch their eye but when it comes to a boy they are attracted to, they look much deeper. And most of the things that they are attracted to you already have. You may just need to brush up on them so that they work well for you.In a recent interview, women were asked what it was about their current boyfriend or spouse that attracted them. The number one answer gave a good indication on how to make a girl fall in love with you - girls are seriously attracted to a sense of humour! If you want to learn how to attract girls, take a close look at your own sense of humour. This does not necessarily mean that you can remember and tell jokes well. The irony is most people with a good sense-of-humour often are incapable of telling a joke.They have been able to see the humour in a situation and enjoy it with other people. Reflect and consider if you can laugh at yourself when you make mistakes? Do you have the ability to easily laugh when others share a joke? Do you laugh with people rather than at them? These are just some of the key elements that make up a good sense-of-humour. It does not hurt to be able to crack a good one every now and then but do not overdue it.Another way to learn how to make a girl fall in love with you is to learn to listen. This is key - listen to not only the words that they are using but the feelings behind the words. With most women the communication process is as much about feelings as it is about ideas. If you only listen to the words you will be missing the point and what they are trying to communicate to you.Practice being with women. Involve yourself in what they are saying and what they are trying to get across when they say it. They do not want you to fix the way they feel, they want you to be able to feel the way they feel. Practice your listening skills on the girls you know. When they realize that you can listen you will move from the role of friend up to someone they interested in having a different kind of relationship with.

About the Author
Whilst in the 'singles market' Steve & Louise were challenged by the same issues most people experience whilst dating. Keen to get answers to their dating challenges, they spent months reviewing a huge amount of advice, help and support resources for dating issues - some good, and some not so good. Read their independent and unbiased reports: http://www.Dating-Reports.com - Facts, Product Info & Customer Feedback

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